Aki Hoshino

Born on March 14, 1978 ( 34 years old )
Was born in Tokyo, Japan
Professional bikini idol(model)
Ranks 1.9 on the Celebrity or Not? voting scale

Aki Hoshino is both Beautiful and Hot
Hoshino authored a book, published in 2010, called Hoshino Body. In the book Hoshino gave advice to female readers on how to apply makeup and "retain one's body shape".
Aki is widely known for her oversized breasts, which are more concerned about the comments said she had the ability to undergo breast augmentation surgery. In November 2005, she appeared in a television program called "TV Champion", where she had to undergo a health check on her breasts before being allowed to participate in the program. The results showed that Aki had never edit his chest. Today, she owns an ideal measurement with three rounds of 88 - 56-87 cm, height: 162 cm, weight 43 kg.
